
Veselské kulturní centrum, o.p.s. is a nonprofit organization associated with the town of Veselí nad Moravou, Czech Republic. Primary purpose of this organization is to take care of and foster cultural and social life in Veselí and its surroundings.

Our activities include: organizing concerts, screening movies, staging multicultural festivals and art symposia, arranging theatrical performances and providing locals with traditional cultural events.

The scope of our work encompasses both indoors and outdoors activities. The outdoors activities are taking place all across the town, but mostly they are concentrated in local park. As an example of such activities can be mentioned multicultural festival called Veselské kulturní léto, which is an annual festival of music, art and film taking place throughout the summer.

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Another interesting project of ours is a music club called “Foajé” situated in foyer of local movie theater. Here we are hosting musical guests, organizing music evenings of various genres or staging audiovisual shows. During past year we have hosted many talented musicians both from Czech Republic and abroad. For example famous Czech singer of Latin music Marta Töprefová, American rapper Astronautalis or Polish piano genius Pavel Kaczmarczyk and his Audiofeeling band.      

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Our organization is also responsible for the management of town’s library, movie theater, tourist info centre and residency centre in Zarazice.    

Residency centre in Zarazice is a starting project of ours. Within the scope of this project we hope to attract and welcome various kinds of performers in our town and thus enrich the cultural life in Veselí. For more information about the residency program, please download the leaflet in the attachment. 


Veselské kulturní centrum, o.p.s.

náměstí Míru 667

698 01  Veselí nad Moravou

Michal Blažíček

Phone number: +420 724 377 014

E-mail: reditel@kultura-veseli.cz

GPS: 48°57'6.545"N, 17°22'58.071"E

IČO: 29297524

DIČ: CZ29297524

Download this file (residency open call.pdf)residency open call.pdf [ ] 311 Kb

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